Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA) was established in 2005, from the necessity of governments desire to deal directly with a national body and no longer with provincial bodies representing the South African game or wildlife rancher. WRSA is the national wildlife ranching organization comprising individuals in the wildlife industry. WRSA’s strength lies in its members including land owners with an interest in game, game ranchers, professional hunters, hunting outfitters, taxidermists, game reserves and commercial farmers.
WRSA’s head office is in Pretoria from where it coordinates with representative regional chambers across South Africa.
Support and membership of every wildlife rancher are important to ensure that WRSA truly represents the interests of all wildlife ranchers and the entire wildlife industry at all levels. WRSA cares for the game farmers’ interest – whether you are an emerging, part-time or commercial game rancher. WRSA strives to be an all – inclusive organization.